The End Of The Relationship - The Main Reasons Why And More

 What causes a relationship to end badly? Some conditions and circumstances almost always lead to a relationship ending either badly or quickly or both.

Sometimes a marriage can come through and be all the better because of these challenges but many times there isn't a happy ending.

You need to understand what to watch for and what not to do. The last thing you want is for everything to go down the drain - all the time and energy that you've invested in your relationship.

One huge problem that leads to relationships falling apart is when one of the partners betrays the trust. If your relationship is riddled with lies and deceit - then what you have together really isn't all that great.

You do not want to be with someone that you have a hard time believing. If you have to wonder whether or not what they are telling you is the truth or you're questioning every excuse for being late, etc... then you have to ask yourself if you really want to be in this situation.

So many times when lack of trust is an issue couples develop the habit of fighting with each other more often than not. You're on pins and needles all the time and yes, maybe there are times when you blow things out of proportion but if you've caught your partner in a lie, it is very hard to regain that trust again.

The best relationships are built on honesty and transparency. Your dream spouse would be a person you'd never have to worry about when it came to trusting them - there is nothing to conceal.

The End of a Relationship - Infidelity and Deception

One of the biggest problems that relationships and marriages face is deception and the various forms of infidelity.

Whether your partner has lied, committed emotional infidelity or actually went out and had an affair, the bottom line is you have a deceptive and unfaithful partner and there are no easy solutions to the situation.

Sometimes the person who was betrayed starts blaming themselves or second guessing what they could have done to prevent this from happening. What did they do wrong? Is it possible for my spouse to be happy with me again? You just can't understand why they abandoned you for this other person.

It's not surprise you start to feel angry, deceived and betrayed to the very core.

Often when this happens, the betrayed partner contemplates revenge. You want to lash out and get back at this terrible betrayal. Of course you do, but somewhere down deep you know that this isn't going to cure the problem and could even blow up in your face, so you definitely do not want to seek revenge.

One important thing to keep in mind - that your partner made the decision to get involved with you and form a long term relationship. This person made the decision to be in a long term relationship with you and now they have changed their mind and gone back on that commitment.

This new person they've taken up with might be absolutely clueless that this new person they're seeing is involved with someone else. So if you are contemplating seeking revenge on the person your partner cheated with, this isn't the right answer either as ultimately, this person is not to blame for your partner's actions.

The End of A Relationship - Not Spending Time Together

Have you and your partner grown distant? Do you still do things together or are you living in entirely different worlds? Is the time you have together meaningful?

If you or your partner seem to be avoiding each other, or spending too much time apart then obviously your relationship will suffer for it in the long run. It's possible that your husband or wife is no longer interested in being with you and just hasn't found a way to tell you yet.

Maybe things just don't feel the way they used to when you first got together.

Sometimes it's just best to part ways, especially if you know down deep that you're beating a dead horse. The bottom line is - you need to be real and honest with each other more than anything else.

It is very difficult to lose the person you love - losing love is excruciating to say the least, especially if you have been lied to and cheated on.

The ultimate question you have to ask yourself - is this relationship worth it? Is it valuable and are there good reasons to continue? If you decide that the relationship isn't worth it, perhaps the best decision is to move forward into the future on your own.


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